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St. Catharines Leisure Guide Kiwanas Centre Chess June January October
St. Catharines Leisure Guide Kiwanas Centre Chess
Leisure Guide Chess Kiwanas Centre ST. Catharines
  Introduction Program    
Children 6 - 10 Years
Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00
September, January and April

This program is designed for beginners with little Chess Experience. Participants will be instructed in the Laws of Chess, the movement of pieces, basic tactics and strategies. Endgames, Checkmates and stalemates will be thoroughly explored. Friendly competition in a fun social environment. Boards are provided.

Children 11 - 13 Years
Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:30
September, January and April

This program is for participants who are able to achieve a checkmate. Openings and endgames will be rehearsed; tactics and strategies explored, chess notation and clocks are introduced. An ongoing pyramid tournament with prizes will be played during this program. A disciplined approach to friendly competition in a fun social environment, Boards are provided

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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